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Unit Tests ​

Unit tests primarily focus on verifying the deserialization of JSON.

These tests are written within unit_tests modules in the files where each struct is defined.

Example of a Unit Test ​

mod unit_tests {
    use super::*;

    fn deserialize_page_checkbox_property() {
        let json_data = r#"
            "Task completed": {
                "id": "ZI%40W",
                "type": "checkbox",
                "checkbox": true

        let checkbox_map = serde_json::from_str::<
            std::collections::HashMap<String, PageCheckboxProperty>,

        let checkbox = checkbox_map.get("Task completed").unwrap();

        assert_eq!(, "ZI%40W".to_string());

Running the Tests ​

To run only the unit tests within the unit_tests modules, use the following command, specifying the unit_tests module:

cargo test unit_tests

This command will execute all tests defined within the unit_tests modules.


The integration tests under the tests/ directory make actual API requests. Therefore, you need to have a Notion workspace set up to run the integration tests. (Details will be explained on the integration tests page.)